US monetary inflation and the boom-bust cycle

March 28, 2022

[This blog post is an excerpt from a recent TSI commentary]

The phenomenal rise in the US monetary inflation rate from early-2020 to early-2021 fuelled a speculative mania in the stock market and set in motion an economic boom, while the subsequent plunge in the monetary inflation rate will lead to an equity bear market and an economic bust. A lot of speculation has been wrung-out of the stock market in parallel with the plunge in the pace of new money creation, but there remains some doubt as to whether or not the economic boom is over.

Just to recap, a boom is a surge in economic activity, involving both consumption and investing, in response to price signals caused by monetary inflation. It fosters the impression that great economic progress is being made, but most of the apparent gains achieved during the boom will prove to be ephemeral because the underlying price signals are false/misleading. It will turn out that there are insufficient resources (labour and materials) to complete projects and/or that resources cost a lot more than planned and/or that the consumption forecasts upon which business additions/expansions were based were far too optimistic. The realisation, stemming from rising costs and lower-than-forecast cash flows, that many of the investments made during the boom years were ill-conceived sets in motion the bust phase of the cycle. During the bust phase, boom-time investments get liquidated.

The economic bust will be ‘explained’ by Keynesians* as a collapse in aggregate demand stemming from a mysterious collapse in confidence (“animal spirits”) and will prompt policies aimed at creating a new boom (a new batch of false price signals upon which future investing mistakes will be based), thus perpetuating the cycle.

As mentioned above, there remains some doubt as to whether or not the latest US economic boom is over. Some indicators say it is, while others are yet to confirm. Also, although the monetary inflation rate has crashed from its February-2021 high, the following monthly chart shows that it is still slightly above the boom-bust threshold of 6%**.

We defined the threshold based on the historical record, in that over the past few decades a boom-to-bust transition for the US economy didn’t begin until after the monetary inflation rate dropped below 6%. However, due to the structural damage to the economy resulting from the Fed’s manipulations of money and interest rates over many decades and especially over the past decade, it’s possible that a bust will begin with the monetary inflation rate at a higher level than in the past.

In any case, the monetary inflation rate should never be used for timing purposes. There are other measures, such as credit spreads, that signal when the monetary inflation rate has risen far enough to set in motion a boom or fallen far enough to set in motion a bust. These measures suggest that the US economy is now in the early part of a bust, although the evidence is not yet conclusive.

*All senior central bankers and most politicians are Keynesians.

**Due to tough year-over-year comparisons, we thought that the US monetary inflation rate (the year-over-year rate of growth of the True Money Supply) would drop below 6% during the first two months of this year. The reason it didn’t is that more than $800B was added to the money supply over the course of those months. The 2-month money-supply surge to begin 2022 was due to a reduction in the Fed’s reverse repo program (this put about $300B back into circulation), an increase in commercial bank credit (this created about $240B of new money), Fed monetisation of securities (this created about $150B of new money) and, we suspect, the flight of some money to the US to escape the troubles in Europe.

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A major stock market peak in hard currency terms

March 22, 2022

[This blog post is an excerpt from a recent commentary published at TSI]

Gold is inherently a stronger currency than the US$. This is because the total supply of gold increases by about 1.5% every year, whereas the total supply of US dollars seldom grows at a rate of less than 4% per year and periodically experiences double-digit annual percentage growth. As a result, the US stock market should peak in gold terms well before it peaks in US$ terms, which is exactly what has happened in the past.

The following weekly chart shows the S&P500 Index in gold terms since 1980. With regard to the past 25 years, the two peaks that stand out on this chart occurred in September-2018 and July-1999. In the first case, the peak in the SPX/gold ratio preceded the SPX’s nominal dollar peak by about 16 months (the SPX didn’t peak in dollar terms until February-2020). In the second case, the peak in the SPX/gold ratio preceded the SPX’s nominal dollar peak by about 8 months (the SPX peaked in dollar terms in March-2000).

The most recent peak in the SPX/gold ratio occurred at the beginning of December-2021. Based on what’s happening on the monetary and economic fronts, we think that this will turn out to be a major top (a top that holds for at least 3 years). At this stage, however, what we have is a pullback to the 200-week MA, which would be consistent with either an intermediate-term correction within an on-going major upward trend or the first leg of a new major downward trend.

The point we want to make today is that even if the decline over the past three months of the SPX/gold ratio was the first leg of a new major downward trend (the most likely scenario, in our opinion), it would not be out of the ordinary for the SPX to make a new all-time high in dollar terms during the second half of this year or the first half of 2023.

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The shift from boom to bust may have begun

March 8, 2022

[This blog post is an excerpt from a commentary published at TSI on 6th March 2022]

The latest leading economic data indicate that the US expansion is intact. This is the case even though the following monthly chart reveals that the ISM Manufacturing New Orders Index (NOI), one of our favourite leading economic indicators, has been working its way downward since hitting a cycle peak about 12 months ago. The reason is that it’s normal for the rate of improvement — which is what the NOI is measuring — to decline while the economy remains in the expansion phase. That being said, we’ve noted over the past two months that the pace of US economic activity is set to slow markedly during the first half of this year.

We wrote a month ago that due to “inflation” remaining near its cycle peak while the pace of economic activity slows, the ‘real’ GDP growth rate during the first quarter of this year could be close to zero. That was before Russia attacked Ukraine and the West imposed severe economic sanctions on Russia, causing additional large increases in commodity prices. As a result of these price increases, the official “inflation” statistics such as the CPI will be higher for longer and calculations of ‘real’ growth will be lower. This could well mean that the headline US GDP growth numbers will be negative in both Q1-2022 and Q2-2022.

Note that a sign of the downward pressure on economic activity resulting from high inflation is the decline in ‘real’ wages. The monthly US Employment Report issued on Friday 4th March contained an estimate that hourly earnings had increased by 5.1% year-over-year in nominal dollar terms. While this is high compared to the average of the past two decades, it’s likely that the cost of living increased by 8%-12% over the same period. This implies that real hourly earnings have fallen by at least a few percent over the past 12 months.

Will the Powell-led Fed make a series of rate hikes in the face of a shrinking economy in response to price rises that are due to supply disruptions? We don’t think so. A Volcker-led Fed would have begun hiking interest rates long ago, but “Mississippi Jay” is the most dovish Fed chairman ever. The Fed almost certainly will make a 0.25% rate hike this month, but we continue to suspect that it will then go on hold for the remainder of the year.

At this stage the leading recession indicators we follow do NOT point to a recession beginning within the next six months (two quarters of negative GDP growth can occur in the absence of a recession), but there’s now a high probability that a boom-to-bust transition will begin during the first half of this year. The recent widening of credit spreads is warning that this is the case, but to confirm a boom-to-bust transition the credit-spread widening will have to be joined by a downward trend reversal in the GYX/gold ratio (the Industrial Metals Index relative to the US$ gold price) and/or a downward trend reversal in the 2-year T-Note yield. The chart displayed below shows that the GYX/gold ratio ended last week at a multi-year high and near the level at which it peaked in 2014 and 2018.

As noted in previous TSI commentaries, the start of a boom-to-bust transition usually precedes the start of an official recession by at least a few quarters.

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Shift from boom to bust could begin soon

February 15, 2022

[This blog post is an excerpt from a commentary published at TSI about 1.5 weeks ago]

The latest leading economic data indicate that the US expansion is intact. This is the case even though the following monthly chart reveals that in January-2022 the ISM Manufacturing New Orders Index (NOI), one of our favourite leading economic indicators, dropped to its lowest level since June-2020. The reason is that it’s normal for the rate of improvement — which is what the NOI is measuring — to decline while the economy remains in the expansion phase. That being said, there are signs that the pace of economic activity will slow markedly during the first half of this year.

Note that the NOI would have to drop below 55 to stop being a positive influence on the US stock market and below 48 to warn of a recession. We won’t be surprised if it drops below 55 within the next two months, but a decline to below 48 is probably at least 2-3 quarters away.

Regarding the pace of US economic growth, in our previous four “US Recession/Expansion Watch” monthly discussions we wrote that we expected US economic activity to re-accelerate during the final months of 2021 and the early part of 2022 due to inventory building and millions of people returning to the workforce. That happened (for exactly the reasons expected*) and was confirmed by the preliminary estimate of annualised GDP growth coming in at 6.9% for Q4-2021. It was also confirmed by Real Gross Private Domestic Investment (RGPDI), a quarterly statistic that acts as a leading indicator of recession starts and a coincident indicator of recession ends. As illustrated below, RGPDI rose sharply to a new all-time high in the fourth quarter of last year.

Note that the vertical red lines on the following chart mark official recession start dates.

However, the financial markets don’t care what happened months ago; they care what’s going to happen over the months/quarters ahead and there is evidence that the GDP growth rates reported for the first two quarters of this year will be MUCH lower than the rate reported for the final quarter of last year. In fact, due to “inflation” remaining near its cycle peak while the pace of economic activity slows, the “real” GDP growth rate during the first quarter of this year could be close to zero.

The preponderance of evidence from leading economic indicators and confidence indicators points to the H1-2022 economic slowdown occurring within the context of an economic boom, although a pronounced slowdown within a boom and the early part of a boom-to-bust transition can be indistinguishable.

Money-supply trends warn that a boom-to-bust transition could begin as soon as the first half of this year, but the start of a boom-to-bust transition usually precedes the start of an official recession by at least a few quarters and leading economic indicators are a long way from issuing recession warnings. Therefore, the next US recession probably won’t begin any earlier than Q4-2022.

*We noted at the time they were announced that the initial BLS estimates for jobs growth in November and December of last year had massively understated the strength of the US labour market. The latest monthly employment report, which was issued on Friday 4th February, contained revisions to previous months that corrected the errors. The corrections resulted in a combined increase of 709K to the November-December jobs growth total. As a consequence, the employment data now show that the US economy added 1.83M jobs in Q4-2021 and 2.3M jobs over the past four months.

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It may be ‘one and done’ for the Fed

January 31, 2022

[This blog post is an excerpt from a commentary published at TSI last week]

After the FOMC meeting on Wednesday 26th January, the Fed — via a post-meeting statement and a press conference — made it clear that it plans to end its bond monetisation (QE) program in early-March and hinted strongly that it will make its first rate hike of the cycle in mid-March (the time of the next FOMC meeting). The Fed also discussed its intention to significantly reduce its balance sheet.

What the Fed expects to do and what it ends up doing are often very different. Currently the Fed expects to hike its official interest rate targets in March-2022 as part of a rate-hiking campaign that will entail four rate hikes this year and more rate hikes next year. However, we suspect that the March-2022 hike will turn out to be this year’s only hike, because by May-June it will be clear to the backward-looking Fed that both “inflation” pressure and US economic growth peaked in 2021.

Moreover, we are confident that the Fed will never significantly reduce its balance sheet. It may well start to reduce its balance sheet over the remainder of this year by not replacing maturing debt securities, but it will react to the next serious economic decline the way it has reacted in the past. As a result, its balance sheet probably will be much larger in 18 months’ time than it is today.

The insurmountable problem faced by the Fed is that once an investment bubble of sufficient magnitude to affect a large part of the economy has been inflated, there is no way to let the air out of the bubble without wreaking economic havoc. To postpone the politically unacceptable economic havoc that would result from genuine deflation, every downturn must be met by progressively larger floods of new money. The endgame is hyperinflation and/or a reset involving the establishment of a new monetary system.

We think that the endgame is still many years away. In the meantime, be prepared for more waves of monetary inflation leading to increasingly obvious price inflation, interrupted by the occasional deflation scare.

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Understanding the yield curve

January 28, 2022

The yield curve is said to be steepening when the gap between long-term interest and short-term interest rates is increasing, but the meaning of the steepening is different depending on whether it is being driven by rising long-term interest rates or falling short-term interest rates. Also, the yield curve is said to be flattening when the gap between long-term interest and short-term interest rates is decreasing, but the meaning of the flattening is different depending on whether it is being driven by falling long-term interest rates or rising short-term interest rates. The two possible yield curve trends (steepening or flattening) and the two main ways that each of these trends can come about results in four different yield curve scenarios as outlined below.

1) A steepening curve driven by rising long-term interest rates (that is, a steepening of the curve along with flat or rising short-term interest rates).

This is indicative of rising inflation expectations. It tends to be bullish for commodities, cyclical sectors of the stock market and relatively high-risk equities and credit. It is bearish for long-dated treasuries.

2) A steepening curve driven by falling short-term interest rates.

This is indicative of declining liquidity and a general shift away from risk. It is bullish for all treasury securities (especially short-dated treasuries) and gold. It is bearish for almost all equities and especially bearish for cyclical and relatively high-risk equities. It is also bearish for commodities and high-yield credit.

3) A flattening curve along with rising short-term interest rates.

This is indicative of an increasing urgency to borrow short to lend/invest long and a general shift towards risk. It tends to be bullish for most equities and high-yield credit. It is bearish for gold and short-dated treasury securities.

4) A flattening curve driven by falling long-term interest rates (that is, a flattening of the curve along with flat or falling short-term interest rates).

This is indicative of declining inflation expectations and increasing aversion to risk. It tends to be bullish for gold, long-dated treasuries and relatively low-risk equities. It tends to be bearish for cyclical stocks and high-yield credit.

In general, scenarios 1 and 3 arise during economic booms, scenario 2 is a characteristic of an economic bust and scenario 4 occurs during a boom-to-bust transition.

The top section of the following chart shows that the 10yr-2yr yield spread, which is one of the most popular measures of the US yield curve, has been declining (indicating a flattening yield curve) since March of 2021. The bottom section of the same chart shows that the yield-curve flattening has occurred in parallel with a rising 2-year yield, meaning that for the past several months we have had yield curve scenario 3. This is evidence that the boom continues. However, a shift to yield curve scenario 4 (indicating a boom to bust transition) could happen soon.


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The inflation peak is in the rear-view mirror

January 18, 2022

[This blog post is a brief excerpt from a TSI commentary published last week]

It was reported on Wednesday 12th January that the year-over-year growth rate of the US CPI hit a new post-1982 high of 7% in December-2021. However, garnering less attention was the fact that the month-over-month CPI growth rate peaked in June-2021, made a slightly lower high in October-2021 and in December-2021 was not far from its low of the past 12 months. The first of the following charts shows the month-over-month change in the US CPI. Of greater importance for financial market participants, the second of the following charts shows that inflation expectations (the rate of CPI growth factored into the Treasury Inflation Protected Securities market) is well down from its November-2021 peak and actually fell on Wednesday 12th January in the wake of the horrific headline CPI news.

We were very bullish on “inflation” back in April of 2020 when deflation fear was rampant; not because we were being contrary for the sake of being contrary but because central bank and government actions pretty much guaranteed that the CPI would be much higher within 12 months. Now, with inflation fear rampant, we expect to see increasingly obvious signs over the quarters ahead that the inflation threat has abated, not because we are being contrary for the sake of being contrary but because the monetary and fiscal situations stopped being pro-inflation many months ago.

It’s likely that the next round of accelerating inflation will emerge during 2023-2024.

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Oil fundamentals are still bullish, but…

January 10, 2022

[This blog post is a modified excerpt, including updated charts, from a TSI commentary published about three weeks ago]

The oil futures market remains in strong backwardation. The fact that the oil futures curve still has a steep downward slope (meaning: nearer contracts are priced well above later contracts) indicates that the physical supply situation is still ‘tight’. Moreover, oil supply probably will remain somewhat tight for at least the next two months due to the natural gas shortage in Europe and the resultant need to find a substitute fuel for electricity generation. This suggests that the oil price bottomed on a multi-month basis when it dropped to the low-US$60s in early-December. At the same time, macroeconomic considerations and intermarket relationships suggest that the October-2021 high near US$85 was the intermediate-term variety (a high that holds for at least 6 months).

With regard to the macroeconomic backdrop, as recently as two months ago inflation expectations were trending higher and the yield curve had not confirmed a shift from steepening to flattening. However, we now have evidence that inflation expectations peaked in November-2021 and confirmation of a trend reversal in the yield curve. Both of these changes remove macroeconomic supports for commodities, including oil.

Also, signs of declining growth expectations have begun to appear. It’s early days, but we view the recent performance of the XLY/XLP ratio as a ‘shot across the bow’.

By way of explanation, here’s what we wrote about the XLY/XLP ratio on 27th October:

The performance of the Consumer Discretionary ETF (XLY) relative to the performance of the Consumer Staples ETF (XLP) is a good indicator of whether stock market participants, as a group, are favouring growth or safety. Specifically, when the XLY/XLP ratio is trending upward it indicates that the market is tilting towards growth and when the XLY/XLP ratio is trending downward it indicates that the market is tilting towards safety. Consequently, when this ratio signals a trend reversal by breaking above a prior high or below a prior low, it is useful information.

Until late-November the XLY/XLP ratio was in a clear upward trend, indicating that the financial world was tilting towards growth. It hasn’t yet confirmed a downward trend reversal, but it has fallen far enough to negate the October upside breakout.


With regard to intermarket relationships, the divergence between the oil price and the Canadian dollar (C$) sticks out. The following chart shows that the divergence was made substantially smaller by the late-November Omicron mini panic that caused the oil price to plunge from the mid-$70s to the low-$60s, but it hasn’t been eliminated. We note, in particular, that during December the oil price reversed upward from above its August low whereas the C$ made a new low for the year.


The combination of the various influences suggests that the oil price will spend the next two months trading between the mid-$60s and the low-$80s. What happens after that will be determined by macroeconomic and supply developments that aren’t yet knowable.

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Inflation Expectations and the Metals

December 20, 2021

[This blog post is an excerpt from a commentary published at TSI last week]

Popular measures of inflation such as the CPI and the PPI are backward looking, but the financial markets are always trying to look forward. To be more specific, current prices in the financial markets are determined by what’s expected to happen in the future as opposed to what happened in the past. An implication is that prices in the financial markets are influenced to a far greater degree by changes in the expected future CPI (inflation expectations) than changes in the reported CPI.

The expected CPI is indicated by the TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) market. For example, the following chart shows the expected CPI factored into the price of the 5-year TIPS. According to this measure, the market’s inflation expectations peaked in mid-November and made a 2-month low during the first half of this week.

Contrary to the opinions of many commentators on the financial markets, gold tends to underperform the industrial metals when inflation expectations are rising and outperform the industrial metals when inflation expectations are falling. Therefore, if inflation expectations have peaked then the Industrial Metals Index (GYX) should have peaked relative to gold.

The following chart comparison of the GYX/gold ratio and the Inflation Expectations ETF (RINF) shows that GYX peaked relative to gold in mid-October, meaning that the downward reversal in the GYX/gold ratio led the downward reversal in the expected CPI by about one month.

The sustainability of the recent downward reversal in inflation expectations is yet to be determined, but our guess is that it has marked the start of a trend that will continue for 6-12 months or longer. An implication is that it is time to start favouring gold over industrial metals.

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The status of gold’s “true fundamentals”

December 7, 2021

According to my Gold True Fundamentals Model (GTFM), the gold market’s fundamentals were bullish or trending positively from early-November of 2019 through to late-September of 2020 and were bearish or trending negatively from early-October of 2020 through to late-October of this year. As illustrated by the blue line on the following weekly chart, they turned upward in early-November and are now in bullish territory, albeit only slightly. Does the recent upturn constitute a major shift or a countertrend move within an overall environment that remains bearish for gold?

Before attempting to answer the above question, it is worth reiterating that I use the term “true fundamentals” to distinguish the fundamentals that actually matter from the largely irrelevant issues that many gold-market analysts and commentators focus on.

According to many pontificators on the gold market, gold’s fundamentals include the volume of metal flowing into the inventories of gold ETFs, China’s gold imports, the amount of “registered” gold at the Comex, India’s monsoon and wedding seasons, jewellery demand, the amount of gold being bought/sold by various central banks, changes in mine production and scrap supply, changes in the money supply and the CPI, and wild guesses regarding the activities of bullion banks. These things are distractions at best. For example, a gold investor/trader could have ignored everything that has been written over the past 20 years about the amount of gold in Comex warehouses and been none the worse for it.

On an intermediate-term (3-18 month) basis, there is a strong tendency for the US$ gold price to trend in the opposite direction to confidence in the US financial system and economy. That’s why most of the seven inputs to my GTFM are measures of confidence. Two examples are credit spreads and the relative strength of the banking sector. The model is useful, in that over the past two decades all intermediate-term upward trends in the gold price occurred while the GTFM was bullish most of the time and all intermediate-term downward trends in the gold price occurred while the GTFM was bearish most of the time.

However, upward corrections can occur in the face of bearish fundamentals and downward corrections can occur in the face of bullish fundamentals. For example, there was a substantial downward correction in the gold market in March of 2020 in the face of bullish fundamentals. Such corrections often are signalled by sentiment indicators.

Getting back to the question posed in this post’s opening paragraph, I suspect that we are dealing with a countertrend bullish move within an overall environment that remains bearish for gold. The reason is that although a couple of small cracks have appeared in the superficially-positive economic picture over the past few weeks, the preponderance of evidence still indicates that the US economic boom (monetary-inflation-fuelled increase in economic activity) is intact.

Major gold rallies occur during the economic bust and boom-to-bust transition phases of the long-term cycle. By the same token, gold tends to fare poorly, especially relative to the broad stock market and industrial commodities, during the boom phases of the long-term cycle. While the boom remains intact, the best that can be reasonably expected from gold is a multi-month rebound within a trading range or a long-term downward trend.

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