According to the fellow in the video shown below, the Chinese are invading Australia. It isn’t a military invasion, it’s an economic invasion that involves the buying-up of Australian real estate and has caused young Australian families to be priced out of the property market. The solution, apparently, is for the Australian federal government to stop turning a blind eye to this flood of foreign investment and, instead, to put a stop to it, thus resuscitating the “Australian dream”. Unfortunately, the star of the video is both ethically and economically wrong. He is ethically wrong because he is advocating the widespread violation of property rights (he wants the government to dictate who Australian property owners can sell to, with the particular aim of preventing the sale of property to buyers who live in China), but it’s the economic error I’m going to deal with in this post.
Our ‘the-government-oughta-do-something-to-stop-the-Chinese-real-estate-invasion’ protest organiser and You-Tuber is unaware of two important economic realities, the first and lesser important of which is that Australia runs a large current-account deficit. This deficit, which comprises dividend payments, interest payments on foreign debt and a surplus of imports over exports, is running at around A$40B per year. This means that about $40B per year is ‘flowing’ out of the country on the current account, which means that about $40B/year of new investment MUST flow into the country (since nobody has any use for Australian dollars outside Australia). In other words, the current account deficit necessitates $40B per year of net foreign investment, approximately a quarter of which goes into real estate.
The more important economic reality of which our irrepressible video presenter is unaware is Australia’s rapid rate of monetary inflation. Thanks to the activities of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and the commercial banks, the supply of Australian dollars has risen by 13% over the past 12 months and 44% over the past 4 years. With this rate of money-supply growth and low interest rates it is no wonder that houses have become very expensive. With this monetary backdrop, houses would almost certainly have become very expensive even if China didn’t exist. Furthermore, a rapid rate of monetary inflation tends to increase the current account deficit and weaken the currency on the foreign exchange market, thus putting more of the currency in the hands of foreign investors and simultaneously making domestic property prices look cheaper to foreign investors.
So, if the guy in above video had a better understanding of economics he’d be organising a protest outside the RBA headquarters instead of the Chinese consulate.